Monday, January 12, 2009

I Won!

I frequent a full cup quite regularly. It helps me to figure out deals for CVS, Walgreens and Tops each week. There is a link to it in my sidebar. Anyway, I have been in a contest the past couple of weeks for Tops. Whoever found the most deals at Tops over the course of that time, would get an envelope full of coupons and there is going to be 2 coupons for free items! Well, I won!!!! I am so excited. I worked hard for it and ate, slept and drank Tops during those two weeks! Got some great deals there myself so, guess it worked! I was so excited that I figured I could "brag" about it here! :) Go on over to a full cup and enter a contest that maybe you could win too!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! I know that you worked hard to win this contest. Mom
